Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mmmm.... fizzy.Hello Shayan and Lachlan here we are your blogga loggas today.On Wednesday the 22nd of October was a bottle mufti day   lots of people brought Fizzy! Mr Williams showed us how to look for the sugar content on the side of the bottle and we were horrified to find out how much sugar Fizzy has in it. The bottles we brought are for the Fair. People brought fizzy, shampoo,soy sauce .

We have started to write our own stories. The title is called "Getting Lost".You could also call it Getting Lost, the story of whatever you want. First we had to make a plan so we don't forget what the plot of our story. The results were great and Mr Williams and Mrs Bateman  were very impressed

Yay....It's Athletics day next week. We are practicing our high jump ,sprints,long jump,shot put ,relay,and discus. The days we practise  are Tuesdays and Fridays. Noooo!! The tests  are starting soon today or next week I hope its next week on Friday.We do the P.A.T test and a math test ,and the worst off all the I KAN test which goes really fast, and the PAT reading test.

 Some people are so happy that Hagley sport is starting today the people that are going are Jake, Beau, Will, Archie, George, Nikau and Jamie. Oh no, seat shifting might start for the people that are talking like the giggly girls that  giggle and talk too much and  Quillan ,Nikau and Kegan.

 Room 24 are doing the stall for the sausage sizzle for the fair we hope that more parents can help because we only have 2 people so far that can help run the stall. Agggghhhh... the Dental truck is here I hope it's not our turn today or tomorrow most people have gone but they didn't won't to go ever  there becuase you get this yuky thing in your mouth.

 This week Shayan got the heart of achievement and Kegan got the values award and George got the Academic award. Sorry but that's  all the time we've got for today see you next time.