Monday, July 27, 2015

Team 24 week 2 term 3

Hi and welcome to blogger loggers for week 2. Your blogger loggers today are Louie and Estella.

Last term we had Parent teacher interviews. Mr Williams was very impressed with what he heard from some of the parents. Mainly the children took over the interview show their parents the amazing work that they have done.

Upcoming is the year 5/6 speech competition in week 4. All of the children have to prepare a speech for their class competition. The top children go and compete in the finals. Remember you can do it about anything you want. No props. Mr Williams is looking for expression, clarity, if you have learnt it off by heart, eye contact, posture and if you are listening well.

On Thursday 23rd of July was the Heaton open night. The day before the principle of Heaton (Mrs Knight) came to talk to the years 6's about Heaton. The open night was awesome. There were performances from some of the Heaton groups, great displays of what they do at  Heaton and much more. Many people showed up. I bet that the years 6's who are going to Heaton cant wait!

Yesterday on the 27th of July the principle of Shirley intermediate came to talk to the year 6's. Their open night is on 30th of July.

In week 2 on Tuesday Anton did some magnificent maths when Mr Williams wanted his math class to make an equation  that =100 well everyone was doing 99+1 or 101-1 Anton did 3000-2900. Mr Williams was really impressed. Back in term two he answered 6x5 quicker than lighting. So it shows that Mr Williams is a great teacher and Anton is a maths expert for his stage.

This week on Monday at assembly we had the certificates handed out. Our winners were:
Our heart of achievement went to Lucy Haller for being Lucy Haller
Academic went to Lexi Cummings
Our last award the Values went to Arozo Rafyee

On Wednesday the 22nd of July Lexi, Aliana and Estella went to the dance workshop to learn about interperaitive dancing because our topic this term is about dancing. All the senior classes have to make up a mini dance that describes Christchurch. We described Christchurch ending with ing  like rolling or streaming we also got to make up words like towering or hilling.

The festival choir is underway with all of the members starting to learn the songs. The theme is RING OF FIRE! Loads of boys were forced into it but ended up enjoying it. Some of those boys are Sithum, Mac, Max and Tom.

Thats all for this week so until next time see you later
                                                    A few prepared talks from the term
                                                                          Greer ^                           

Anna ^