Monday, April 20, 2015

The last 3 weeks of school

Good morning every one we are your blogga loggas Sithum and Jordyn. Welcome to term 2!
First of all we will be talking about the forty hour famine.

Yesterday during year 5 and 6 team assembly a lovely lady called Laura, came in to talk about poor people and how they live and survive in Bangladesh and how we could help them by doing the 40 hour famine.

The 40 hour famine is a fundraiser for people that can't afford to live healthy like us . So we would like you to give up something in your life such as furniture , speaking , eating , technology all for 20 to 40 hours. You get sponsored for every hour you give something up and the money raised is for the children that need the help from us so they can live like us

Our next topic will be on the big Easter Egg hunt. We paired up with our buddy class, we made some paper baskets a few days before the hunt . We each got handed a printed picture of Easter eggs. Each clue we found had a coulor on it after we had found all the clues we ran back to our buddy's class and coloured the picture .When the last one was finished  we got to go back to our buddy class . We had to find our easter baskets, we were surprised when we found our Easter baskets full of Easter eggs after all I had a tummy ache.

Up next is A.V.A.I.L.L.L.

Availll is a type of reading where you watch a movie with subtitles on, your teacher pauses the movie and you write the subtitle that it last said.We are very excited for this activity we hope you are too.

We are all running every day to get fit for the Angry Nation(aka Cross Country). It's on next week and Estella and Fintan seem to be the speedy ones at this stage, Everyone is improving.

We are learning about Anzac Day, and some children have brought along information about family members who were in one of the world wars.

Yesterday was Anna's birthday, Sithum's is soon, he is very excited, and promises to bring Mr Williams a big piece of birthday cake!

That's all for this week,

Sithum and Jordyn.

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